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Audio Books of the Golden Rosycross

Listen to our audio books on the Inner Path of Transformation
shown by 
the Golden Rosycross

The Egyptian Arch Gnosis 2

Jan van Rijckenborgh

The Tabula Smaragdina and The Corpus Hermeticum of Hermes Trismegistus are proclaimed and explained again by Jan van Rijckenborgh in four volumes, vivifying again in our times the ancient wisdom of the Golden Age for the liberation of todays seekers.

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The path from Bethlehem to GolgothaJan van Rijckenborgh
00:00 / 17:32
The twofold nature of manJan van Rijckenborgh
00:00 / 15:49
Sixth book: General dialogue between Hermes and AesclepiusJan van Rijckenborgh
00:00 / 13:25
The nature and activity of the AllJan van Rijckenborgh
00:00 / 14:16
The unassailability of God's planJan van Rijckenborgh
00:00 / 13:23
Voluntary self-surrender: the final death of the IJan van Rijckenborgh
00:00 / 10:55
The mystery of the Holy GrailJan van Rijckenborgh
00:00 / 14:11
New, liberating possibilitiesJan van Rijckenborgh
00:00 / 03:31
Seventh book: Hermes tells Tat of the Mixing Vessel and the OnenessJan van Rijckenborgh
00:00 / 09:01
The prize for the raceJan van Rijckenborgh
00:00 / 12:10
The holy Mixing VesselJan van Rijckenborgh
00:00 / 15:15
Receiving the Holy GrailJan van Rijckenborgh
00:00 / 16:01
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