The Call of the Brotherhood of the Rosycross

Rozekruis Pers
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Jan van Rijckenborgh
The first of the three manifestos of the Classical Rosicrucians, the Fama Fraternitatis R.C. from 1614 calls the seeker to insight: "so that at last man may understand his nobility and glory, and understand why he is called Microcosm." In his commentary the author provides an extensive commentary on this Manifesto of the Classical Rosicrucians, the central point being the idea that the brotherhood of the Rosicrucians has played an important role in the spiritual development of Western humankind, and offers the seeker of today all the information he needs to actually go the Christian path of initiation.
The Brotherhood of Life, those who have entered true Liberation before us, always remain working for, and in service to, lost humanity, to bring to them the Light of Truth, so that every human being receives the opportunity to embrace this wisdom and power that leads to a union with the Spirit. Thus, the Fama Fraternitatis, that Rosicrucian manifesto proclaiming this Truth, was given to humanity during one of its darkest periods in the middle ages. Heavily veiled to protect the Truth hidden within it, it has survived the intervening centuries, and continues to touch the hearts of all those open to its message.
Now that these times of persecution no longer have a hold on humanity, the author Jan van Rijckenborgh, has unveiled much of the symbolic imagery it contains, to bring this Universal Truth into a modern-day language that is accessible to all. From the first tentative steps of the seeker whose insights have placed his feet upon the path, to the final victory of the union of soul and Spirit, the Fama Fraternitatis spares no details in bringing to humanity the Truth of the path that leads to liberation from the wheel of suffering and death.
Directed at those who, through an inner maturity of life experience, and a growing awareness of the limitations of their own ‘reality’, have become open of heart and long to return to their spiritual origins, these commentaries provide a guiding light to help dispel the darkness of ignorance and delusion that potentially threatens the seeker on his quest. The gift of Love that infuses every word of its message, is brought to the reader as a true sacrifice, offered to the heart that longs for genuine Goodness, Truth, and Justice.
Read quotes from this book...
The Fiery Triangle: ‘What does Goodnessmean? (Page 81)
The New Building of the Holy Spirit. (Page 134)
The Secret Help of the Rosicrucians. (Page 309)