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Golden Rosycross
The Golden Rosycross is a modern Gnostic Spiritual School, and the most recent link in the long chain of Spiritual Schools throughout the ages. The Gnostic teachings and Universal Language found in our literature are those used by the founders of the Golden Rosycross, who often adopted terms and descriptors used by previous Gnostic Schools.
This Glossary aims to assist in clarifying the meaning of many of the terms we use today.
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Celestial ship
a gnostic Living Body, symbolically referred to in the book of Genesis as the Ark. It is a Body that is built in co-operation with the forces of the Universal Gnostic Chain, in the service of the harvest that must be gathered in at the end of a Cosmic Day and carried safely into the new life-field.
the divine Hierarchy of the Immovable Kingdom. It forms the universal Body of the Lord. It is also indicated as: the invisible Church of Christ, the universal gnostic chain, Gnosis. It appears, among others, as the Brotherhood of Shamballa, the Mystery School of the Christ-Hierophants, to help fallen humankind.
our dialectical field of existence in which fallen humankind, severed from God, from the Spirit, lives in self-centredness. A life of separation from the cosmic order established by God has developed the evil which characterises all aspects of our existence and which we try to combat with the same self-will. This godless, and therefore counter-natural development can only be nullified by what is called in the Bible: ‘reconciliation with God’, that is, the true, conscientious ministry of this reconciliation; in other words, the reestablishment of the link with the Spirit through the path of transmutation and transfiguration, which involves the return to voluntary obedience to the universal, cosmic order.
a spiritual being which comes forth from God the Father. The Demiurge created the world out of original matter, but the original matter itself was created by God the Father and not by him. He is one with the Word, with the world-soul, the Son of the Father, and is also called the Universal Architect.
in a literal sense this means 'natural force'. When man links himself in voluntary obedience to these forces in fulfilment of the will of the Father, they will manifest themselves as mighty helpers for those who walk the path to divinity. In the opposite case man will experience them as hostile - as the avenging Demon, the forces of fate, in which determine humankind’s fate on the path of experience. The natural aeons, which were called into being by the blind natural life of fallen man, are also referred to as demons, in this case in an unfavourable sense.
our present-day life-field in which everything reveals itself in pairs of opposites that are inseparably linked: day and night, light and dark, joy and sorrow, youth, and old age, good and evil, life and death; they inevitably generate and follow each other. Through this fundamental law everything in this field of existence is subject to continuous change and disintegration, to rising, shining, and fading. Through this law this field of existence can be perceived as a place of finiteness, pain, sorrow, demolition, illness, and death. On the other hand, from a higher point of view, the law of dialectics is a law of divine grace, which prevents humankind’s final crystallisation (and thereby his inescapable down-fall) through a continuous demolition and renewal, offering him, time and time again, a new possibility of manifestation. In this way, the human being receives the opportunity to recognise the purpose of his existence so that he can walk on the path of return, through transfiguration, through the rebirth of water and Spirit.
owing to the stupendous cosmic drama known as ‘The Fall’, part of the human life-wave became entangled in the grip of irrational nature and began to identify with it, because by losing the link with the spirit it could not maintain itself in the original human life-field. To give this fallen part of humankind the possibility of freeing itself from the imprisonment of delusion, it was isolated in a closed part of the Sevenfold Cosmos, subject to the law of dialectics. The teachings of the Rosycross calls this dialectical field of existence the ‘emergency-order’.
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