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From the School of Hermes
Volume 29 nr 3
May/June 2007

There is this,’ said Wisdom: ‘Some men have climbed on those mountains; circle above circle of bare rock they have scaled; and, wandering there, in those high regions, some have chanced to pick up on the ground one white silver feather, dropped from the wing of Truth. And it shall come to pass,’ said the old man, ‘that when enough of those silver feathers shall have been gathered by the hands of men, and shall have been woven into a cord, and the cord into a net, that in that net Truth may be captured. Nothing but Truth can hold Truth.’ Olive Schreiner, The story of an African farm,1883
Articles in this issue...
02 | 2007 - does it make any difference? |
04 | From the School of Hermes i |
05 | Living without conflict |
11 | From the working field |
22 | From the School of Hermes ii |
25 | The Story of an African Farm |
33 | The unveiling of hidden wisdom |
37 | From the School of Hermes iii |
38 | Like a child taking its first steps |
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