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The fragrance of flowers…
volume 41 nr 3
2019 - Three

Consciousness, a word that shimmers throughout the world. The quantum leap in consciousness that the world needs to survive is the inescapable necessity that more and more people see before them. It is therefore consistent that in this edition of Pentagram the consciousness theme returns in every article. As The Night of the Soul says: ‘It is high time we start to live and lift ourselves and our planet into a higher field of life’. And the Sufi leader professor Johan Witteveen in an interview just before his death: ‘The meaning of our lives is therefore to develop an awareness of the divine’. In the documentary HEAL we are also made aware of what the human mind is capable of. And then the columns, more than ‘snacks’: not that many words but enough to think about. Inertia or the memory effect shows how our memory tracks are constantly supplied with new energy that counteracts any change. Only new consciousness offers ‘openings in the roof of our memory museum’.
Articles in this issue...
03 | Monument Galaad 1969-2019 Ussat-Ornolac |
05 | The Profession of Faith of the Rosicrucians - Catharose de Petri |
10 | Truth - Catharose de Petri |
13 | Night of the Soul |
15 | Thinking is superficial, feeling brings you to your soul - Interview with Johan Witteveen |
19 | Heal: A documentary |
20 | Inertia or the memory effect |
27 | Love and all that |
30 | The portrait: Can one recognize the divine twin? |
32 | The mega society |
36 | God’s smile |
41 | What’s in a name? |
46 | A silver sword to develop awareness of the divine |
50 | The time of the Magicians: book review |
55 | In what way are we residents of the solar system? |
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