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Video Presentations
of the Golden Rosycross

Browse our online video content, including our latest and best video presentations on Spirituality and walking the Living Path shown by

the Golden Rosycross

The Golden Rosycross radiates the Light of the Gnosis, so that it may be found by all those who long for it...

Here we present our latest presentations and contemplations online.
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Video Presentation

The Spiritual Self-Revolution

Beyond the societal structures and norms that keep us bound and alienate us to our own self, lies the possibility for a great Spiritual self-revolution, a total regeneration and transformation of the human consciousness according to new values that modern human beings are called to find within themselves, under the guidance of their innermost spiritual essence, the rose, the lotus, the Spirit-spark atom.

Video Presentation

The Gnosis of Tao

The wisdom of Lao Tzu is every bit as relevant now as it was in his time. It is alive and timeless because it originates and is connected with the one source of life. Join us to discuss how we may reconnect with the One Source of true Life.

Video Presentation

Change yourself, change the World

Change Yourself, Change the World! Life is changing and changing fast. Your life is being impacted by massive waves of change. We are all being pushed to a clear limit. Which requires from us a fundamentally different state of consciousness . That must be conquered by each one of us through an inner self-revolution. Only then we can become true agents of change in this world. In this video, we discuss this process of inner self-revolution.

Video Presentation

The Universal Wisdom

The Universal Wisdom We would like to reflect together on how we can connect our life to the Universal Wisdom and begin a process of great inner transformation. The Universal Wisdom is the foundation of the Universal Path of Self-Initiation. In this video we explore the 3 Spirals of this Universal Path: The New Consciousness, The Spiritual Consciousness and the Transmutation of the Entire Human Being.

Video Presentation

Beyond Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a popular way of becoming more conscious of our self, and more aware of how our consciousness and the world in which we live works. We can gain Insight into our interconnectedness, and the realities of our existence. Mindfulness can lead to a greater openness and balance; it can also awaken within us a longing to go beyond ourselves.

Video Presentation

Unveiling Universal Mysteries

"A call to reflect upon a new era, a new task, and accordingly upon a totally different initiation-mystery, is now resounding over the entire world to all those who are spiritually sensitive. The Great Revolution, by Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri


Where is your Treasure

In this Contemplative Reading we explore the mystery hidden in the Human Being, the deep-seated impulse to seek the essence in and of Life. This is a slower, reflective exploration of our monthly theme. Every month we explore a different aspect of the Universal Wisdom through a series weekly public talks on Zoom. We hope that our podcast will provide you with food for thought, inspiration for new questions and impulses in your research for new answers.

Video Presentation

The Mystery of Life and Death

What do we know of the enigma of life and death? What is life, what is death? What we call life is a complex of phenomena like metabolism, growth and procreation. Life is also existence in time. It is that peculiar feeling that we remain the same as in our youth, but in the meantime have grown into adulthood, matured and burdened by memories.

Video Presentation

Truth and Reality

The inner turmoil we experience in regards to Truth and Reality originates from the way we perceive them in our daily life. We assign eternal values to the observations we derive from our transient reality. We deduce from our empirical measurements of tangible material things truths that are relevant only to the reality that existed at that very moment. But when that moment passes, whether it be in a nanosecond or a millennia, what we determined to be truth is no longer so. The reality we observed is no longer the reality of the present moment, and neither are the truths we associated with them. So, what is Truth? and what is Reality?

Video Presentation

Meditation and Spiritual Enlightenment

Meditation and Spiritual Enlightenment from the perspective of a Gnostic Spiritual School. The Gnostic teaching statement of all living creatures only we as human beings are twofold namely mortal as to the personality for immortal as to the truly spiritual being dormant in each human being. This spiritual being this other one in us is imprisoned within our hearts waiting to be released and it speaks to us it urges us to seek for truth and it is the task of the mortal human being to learn, to recognize this inner voice and to allow it to grow and mature. Now that we find ourselves today in extraordinarily challenging and changing situations many are those who are reflecting on issues such as health society harmony and non-conflict. We need to understand our true task as human beings is not the development of the earthly self but the awakening and the unfolding of the divine self in the practice of daily life in other words we need to develop a new soul. So it is our task to lead this new soul to its origin to the divine sphere of life and you know to do this the voice of eternity coming from the divine essence in us certainly makes itself heard and awakens the memory of its origin within ourselves. We call this the great on sickness or pre remembrance so it's really important that we know the difference between these two forms of meditation.


Beyond Mindfulness - True Spiritual Awakening

"There is a pathway beyond mindfulness that leads to a direct realization and awareness, that is sourced in Love, made of Love, and leads to Love. That path beyond mindfulness is more full, far more complete, and more deeply fulfilling than we could ever imagine."

Video Presentation

The Age of Aquarius

"Aquarius is the age of upliftment, liberation, and enlightenment." Z.W. Leene The sign of Aquarium, which in Latin, Aquarius, means: belonging to water. In astrology, Aquarius belongs to the element of air, not to water. Why this contradiction and what is the importance of this for the present day? Aquarius makes everything transparent and reveals to humanity who it is, where it is and what its development will be. It puts the old values to the test and urges to abandon the conservative structures. The dynamic energy contained in the pitcher is destined for the realization of an inner revolution!
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