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Video Presentations
of the Golden Rosycross

Browse our online video content, including our latest and best video presentations on Spirituality and walking the Living Path shown by

the Golden Rosycross

The Golden Rosycross radiates the Light of the Gnosis, so that it may be found by all those who long for it...

Here we present our latest presentations and contemplations online.
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Video Presentation

Reincarnation and Spiritual Awakening

"The oneness, the one and indivisible, the origin and root of everything is present, as such, in all things", from the Corpus Hermeticum It is in the heart that the great work must begin. It is here that love for the path must awaken and the rose-bud must unfold its petals. All who begin in this way and persevere will undoubtedly be guided on their way.


Happiness through Wisdom and Love

Our very essence is pure consciousness, our very essence is Soul. A potential living connection between the Unity and the multitude, between the Eternal and the temporary, between the Holy and our self. This is not however an immediate reality for most of us, so how can we find happiness? Where do we find the Wisdom and the Love that can unify all these Spiritual values?


The Spiritual Self-Revolution

In the heart sanctuary, in and around the place where the spirit spark atom rests, lies the source of the purifying and soul-realizing kundalini. In the philosophy of the Golden Rosycross we call this kundalini the power of salvation, the power of eternity, the power that enables one to rise up through and over the astral plane. In that rose power, we can accomplish all things. "The Living Word" by Catharose de Petri, one of the founders of the Golden Rosycross.

Video Presentation

Egyptian Hermeticism

What was the nature of the hermetic wisdom that came to us from Ancient Egypt? What were its foundations? What secrets was it trying to conceal? Or reveal? The hermetic traditions of Ancient Egypt, with its curious hieroglyphics, mute statues, ubiquitous temples, and its imposing but silent pyramids remain a mystery in this so-called “modern” age. It is a mystery to us because understanding the real meaning behind this requires the gnostic keys to decoding the meticulously arranged spiritual symbolism that was purposely embedded within the majestic remnants of that glorious civilization.
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