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309 items found for "auric being"

  • Spiritual Christmas

    Rozema Using the wisdom of the words found in the Aquarian Gospel, each day of the Christmas season has been found in the Aquarian Gospel upon which to build the narratives, each day of the Christmas calendar has been These reflections touch upon subjects such as: ‘Recognising the Inner Being Within You’, ‘Your Assignment Thus we are confronted, not just with a spiritual event that has been a part of history and inspired December 25: Giving Birth to the Divine Being in Yourself. (Page 42) Read more...

  • The Mighty Signs of God's Counsel

    experiencing new inter-cosmic radiative activities and influences, the impulses of which today place humanity before In this way, the whole of humanity is being confronted with a new imperative, a new inner requirement experiencing, new inter-cosmic radiative activities and influences, the impulses of which are placing humanity before In this way, the whole of humanity is being confronted with a new imperative, a new inner requirement

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay15

    Man was originally a purely spiritual being. The fifth principle : The New Soul (Jesus) is born and grows in the physical human being based on will The guidelines for the daily life of the human being who wants to develop him/herself in the highest They have shaped the human being and help to build the kingdom of the soul within us. being that he originally was.

  • FAQ | The Golden Rosycross

    Man is, from the Rosicrucian view, a dual being. Mortal man is born from the material world. In this spirit spark the idea and structure of the original, perfect human being is contained as a seed Initiation means to awaken in a higher state of being and consciousness. Thus, the sign of the unity of circle, triangle and square is also a symbol of the divine human being pursue the path of purification, which includes the purification of all aspects of the personality being

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SPentecostENGDay04

    Therefore, as human beings, we live at the lowest quality level of the hierarchical order – not only Myths encourage a human being to experience, explore and look inward. the young Human Being is still an unconscious god. In the Garden of Eden the androgynous Adam is made into a dual being, an Adam-Eve. dormant human beings to enable them to rebuild their heavenly bodies.

  • 2006-2eng

    of the Mayas 40 The Mayan calendar 43 Modern Mayas 47 The earth is a dream world 49 Quetzalcoatl 53 Being

  • Gnosis

    The spiritual drive behind this work of liberation of the light-soul is revealed through the birth of from the liberation of the Spirit, of the other one in the human being. It is the tale of the liberation of the spirit, of the other one in the human being. The author, Peter Huijs, sketches the circumstances that were important in this respect before the beginning The reader learns of the spiritual drive behind the work of liberation of the light-soul.

  • A New Call

    20th century, an irrevocable transformation in the entire course of world events in which every human being that we now inhale with every breath, stimulating us towards the rebirth of that which has for so long been It calls us to leave the old behind and take a step into a new future; a future to which all of humanity A threefold path towards a renewed union with the Spirit has been opened, and one can walk this path to build the foundation blocks of this inner transmutation, so that the transfiguration of the whole being

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SPentecostENGDay08

    << Back Next > Spiritual Contemplation Spiritual Pentecost - 08 - Being Filled with the Holy Spirit Spiritual PDF Reflection: Reflection 8, for Pentecost Sunday: Being Filled with the Holy Spirit Listen... If a human being assimilates gnostic light forces and allows them to become active in him, he will find This language speaks to the inner being, the still unborn Jesus in everyone’s heart. Every human being is called to discover himself as to his or her immortal Self.

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay03

    Jesus described in the Gospels as a meticulous representation of a spiritual path that every human being Every human being who has arrived at his or her border of life, his or her own year zero, is a Zacharias /Elizabeth human being. No matter how much we may read and know, no matter how much good we may do for our fellow human beings John is the human being standing in the service of the inner being – symbolized by Jesus – who will be

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