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309 items found for "auric being"

  • 2007-6eng

    divine nature, are never-ending training schools, but we only cross the border through the inner human being

  • Mysteries and Challenges of Birth, Life and Death

    Mysteries and Challenges of Birth, Life and Death Becoming a new Human Being Download PDF Details: Pages Introducing the esoteric ideas of the human being as a microcosm, his fall from Grace, his mortality,

  • The Call of the Brotherhood of the Rosycross

    provides an extensive commentary on this Manifesto of the Classical Rosicrucians, the central point being Summary The Brotherhood of Life, those who have entered true Liberation before us, always remain working for, and in service to, lost humanity, to bring to them the Light of Truth, so that every human being maturity of life experience, and a growing awareness of the limitations of their own ‘reality’, have become

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay05

    As a human being, you are called to return to your origin. every human being on earth who wants to go the path of return. Once a new soul is born in a human being and becomes active, an inner conflict inevitably arises. can transform the human being on the path according to the suggestions of the soul. In this way, the human being carries his own cross.

  • 2004-3eng

    over-confidence and humility 22 Making the basis wider and deeper 32 The music of the spheres and the human being 36 The Prophet 38 Nikolai Berdjajev - philosopher of freedom 42 Nothing’s a gift Previous Next

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay07

    The human being who follows the gnostic path becomes a cross himself: the body strong although perishable This is true, because from the outer, historical point of view Jesus as a human being has actually endured The liberated inner being is unity and love; it is pure light-power that is connected to the material world through the transformed outer being. In this way he established a ‘cosmic mystery school’ in which every human being can go the way of the

  • 2008-1eng

    possibilities these new influences imply and which sources of inner comfort and grace help the human being

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay03

    Many visions of life, birth and death circulate among human beings. Eventually, every human being is called to go this spiritual path of resurrection, when his or her right This fall from paradise we can see as the death of Adam, the original divine being. This cycle of being born again and dying again is broken when finally a personality in the microcosm To equalise that which is behind to that which is in front means that the human being accepts the life

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay12

    And the possibilities for being radiantly happy are present within you and within every human being! According to several spiritual traditions, the heart centre of the human being includes: the physical The heart centre plays a vital role in the spiritual development of the human being. strange way, something or someone crosses your path making you aware that you are more than a mortal being By quieting the heart and letting it enter into the deep peace of Bethlehem, we open our being to the

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay01

    a medium-sized star on the edge of the galaxy in a corner of the infinite universe, which came into being may en- counter what we could call the science of the soul, for the search for meaning is inherent in being By giving meaning to our lives, we can slowly but surely discover our vocation as a human being, and Buddha spoke about entering nirwana –a state of being beyond our imagination – and Jesus encourages his How did this polluted astral sphere in which humanity is captured, come into being?

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