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197 items found for "Arch Gnosis Hermes"

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay05

    And so they told the secret to the parents of the child, and bid them flee beyond the reach of harm. Every human being in whom the germ of Light in the heart makes itself felt as ‘the great nostalgia’ is A well-known hermetic law says: as above so below; as in the greater so in the lesser; as the outside What is meant here is the transfer from generation to generation and from person to person. When the new soul is born, the tendency may arise to linger here because it is such a special feeling

  • Mysteries and Hymns of God, Cosmos and Humanity

    Publisher Rozekruis Pers Published 2021 Publishers Code 4249 Andre de Boer Using extracts from the Corpus Hermeticum Summary In using extracts from the Corpus Hermeticum attributed to the Egyptian initiate, Hermes Trismegistos Thus the words of the Corpus Hermeticum: ‘As above, so below’, are found to be true both inside of man

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay02

    expressed in the following phrases from the classical text Tabula Smaragdina or the Emerald Tablet of Hermes A divine seed resides within him or her, enabling a mighty recreation process if man pays attention to serpent in a blended symbolic tree of the knowledge of good and evil, known as the staff of Mercury, the Hermes to be a messenger of the gods, a living connection between heaven and earth, just like the Greek god Hermes Here, we confine ourselves to the state- ment that the sefiroth correspond with the planet forces.

  • 2012-3eng

    He has been represented here as the conquering hero on his horse, found in a tomb in Paestum, Italy,

  • Du Châtiment de l'Âme 

    Avec l'aide de Dieu, je commence à transcrire un exposé du très vénéré philosophe Hermès Trismégiste,

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SAMystSoulENGDay05

    Non-attachment is freedom from longing for all objects of desire, either earthly or traditional, either here The selected spiritual texts come from nine different traditions, successively: Advaita Vedanta; Hermeticism You have the right to be here, in this world. More than that: you must be here! Here Ashtavakra encourages Janaka to give up his fascination for the sensory perceptible world in order Someone who is mindful is attentively present in the here and now, observant without judgement and accepts

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay10

    The ant constructs her home, the bee its sheltering comb, the spider weaves her web, and flowers breathe When men have learned that when they harm a living thing they harm themselves, they surely will not kill “The sleep of the body is the soberness of the soul” reads an ancient hermetic text. sufficiently strong because: Elihu said to Mary and Elizabeth, Our words are said; you need not tarry longer here

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SAMystSoulENGDay01

    The selected spiritual texts come from nine different traditions, successively: Advaita Vedanta; Hermeticism You have the right to be here, in this world. More than that: you must be here! Here Ashtavakra encourages Janaka to give up his fascination for the sensory perceptible world in order Mindfulness In fact, Ashtavakra here advises practicing ‘mindfulness’, a phenomenon that has gained popularity Someone who is mindful is attentively present in the here and now, observant without judgement and accepts

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay02

    And Gabriel stood before Elizabeth as she was in the silence of her home, and told her all the words Five months passed by and Gabriel came to Mary in her home in Nazareth and said, “Hail Mary, hail! When Joseph’s daily task was done he came, and Mary told him all the words that Gabriel spoke to her, Hermes Trismegistus states that of all creatures only man is twofold; for only man has a mortal body We carry the germ of that Other One with us in our hearts and Its image will not let go of us.

  • Transfiguration 

    démontre que cette connaissance a toujours existé, de la Bhagavad Gita aux Upanishads, de Lao Tseu à Hermès

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