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164 items found for "Christian Rosycross C.R.C."

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay01

    The inner Christianity of the ‘kingdom of the soul’ is announced and described by, among others, Rudolf The Christian Easter is the commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion and According to inner Christianity, also known as esoteric Christianity or Gnostic Christianity, each human The human being who enters the Christian gnostic path is therefore in a spiritual sense a follower of The week from Palm Sunday to Easter is known in the Christian tradition as the silent week, the Holy

  • 2005-6eng

    nr 6 November/December 2005 Introduction ‘Mani’s teachings are one with the purpose and essence of Christianity

  • 2003-4eng

    fourth dimension in Indian philosophy 27 Humanity controlled by illusions 32 The eightfold path of Christianity

  • 2010-4eng

    13 The city as projection of human development 16 The prototype of the ideal city 20 Inner and outer Christianity

  • 2008-6eng

    rose garden versus Taipei - a reflection of a reader of the pentagram 30 The great reconciliation 34 Christian

  • 2017-3eng

    Nachiketa and the art of dying 40 Beyond the colours 42 Perception - a search 48 The meaning behind Christian

  • Gnosis as inner Religion

    Summary Every religion, including Christianity, in its original form is an inner religion, for there

  • STA_PentecostEnglish

    Spiritual Pentecost Program Introduction For many centuries Christianity has celebrated Christmas, Easter

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay05

    Table, the legend of Parcival land the grail castle, the mystery script about the alchemical wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz (Rosycross) and the books about Harry Potter. Within these Christian groups, members jointly followed an inner path and endeavoured for youth education Thomas à Kempis The Modern Devotion has become famous worldwide by the book ‘De Imitatione Christi’ (

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay09

    ‘The divine comedy’ of Dante Alighieri, ‘The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception’ of Max Heindel and ‘The Christian musician Kees van Houten show that in certain compositions the name Bach is transformed into the name Christian Comenius was very familiar indeed with the manifestos of the Rosicrucians in southern Germany, in which Christian The members of this tightly-knit and sturdy religious community cooperated harmoniously, based on Christian In chapter 2 of his book ‘The Call of the Brotherhood of the Rosycross’ , he wrote the following: ‘The

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