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309 items found for "auric being"

  • 2013-4eng

    < Back The center contains all the images volume 35 nr 4 July/August 2013 Introduction Since the beginning It has existed since the beginning, with God; everything that is created, is created by it and outside These exalted, comforting words guide the human being who thinks in an exalted way and while thinking Reflecting, in deep contemplation, the coherence unfolds before him, the never-ending development of

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SAMystSoulENGDay07

    Thou shalt not separate thy being from BEING and the rest, but merge the Ocean in the drop, the drop grandparents and other educators can support the return of this longing for our divine origin both by being Wisdom teachers advise you to act without being attached to the results. There may be pleasure and there may be pain, but they do not form part of your deepest being. Peace to all beings.’ NarrativeTextAnchor ReflectionTextAnchor

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SAMystSoulENGDay05

    Incorrect knowledge is based upon perception of the form and not upon the state of being. controlling the five states of mind Spiritual text: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali 1:2-16 As a human being Every human being is invited to free himself from delusion, to sense this lasting peace and inner joy When we connect the concepts ‘consciousness’ and ‘soul’ with one another, then we mean being aware of As human beings we must not go back to the mythical consciousness of our remote ancestors; we can no

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay05

    Being in an agony he prayed more earnestly and his sweat was like great drops of blood falling to the The leaders continuously developed themselves and their schools, thus causing the inner being of their It is the way by which every human being on earth can become a living connection between the mortal perishable Everything that grows, including the inner imperishable being, grows according to natural laws. The bread and wine are inner forces which are spread throughout the entire system of the human being

  • 2011-3eng

    nature of our consciousness volume 33 nr 3 May/June 2011 Introduction As the third issue of 2011 lies before you, the power of seeking with the Light and the struggle in our own inner being associated with it, who are clearly on their way, who seek with the seekers, who knock on the doors of the imperishable, because

  • Seven Voices Speak

    4024 Catharose de Petri Seven voices - seven radiations of the gnostic fullness speak to every human being twenty-two concise chapters, the author presents to the pupil the full spectrum of interaction and activity between

  • 2014-4eng

    - but there has never been a bigger arms industry, accompanied by so much unscrupulous violence. Think of: elevating, on the basis of inner being brought to equilibrium. The equilibrium concerns the balance between an adult individual and a radiating ensoulment. The joining together is the forming of a vessel and a beacon, as a parabolic aerial. reflections about true peace 07 World images: man in the idea of creation 08 Paracelsus - mediator between

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay07

    << Back Next > Spiritual Contemplation Symbols of the Soul - 07 - The Soul as a Sevenfold being Symbols of the Soul - English Part 7: THE SOUL AS A SEVENFOLD BEING Chapter 16 of Mysteries and Symbols of the Soul Spiritual Text: Spiritual text 7 - The Soul as a Sevenfold being Listen... PDF Spiritual Text: Spiritual text 7 - The Soul as a Sevenfold being Symbols of the Soul: 7 - The Soul as a sevenfold being Chapter 16 of Mysteries and Symbols of the Soul When someone hears or reads for

  • Video Presentations | The Golden Rosycross

    the Spiritual Path within Today, just as thousand years ago, the spiritual light penetrates the human being agree to this union, then the chariot becomes the temple of God, who dwells in us. Video Presentation Freedom, Unity & Love "He who achieves the quintessence of being human, has knowledge of the power and beauty behind this ancient world religion. We need to approach it with great understanding of what in us is not in harmony with this state of being

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay08

    One can accept or reject an outer assignment, addressed to the mortal being. An inner assignment, however, addressed to the immortal, divine being in us, is part of the divine Plan The starting point is that nobody lives only for himself; every living being is bound to every other living being by invisible threads. Every human being has his ideals and is constantly striving to realize these.

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