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197 items found for "Arch Gnosis Hermes"

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasFREDay02

    Hermès Trismégiste affirme que, de toutes les créatures, seul l’homme est double ; car seul l’homme a Nous portons le germe de cet Autre dans notre cœur et son image ne nous quitte pas. C'est le signe que la graine germe, que "l'homme intérieur" est sur le point de naître et que l'homme

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay01

    Now, when the child was three years old her parents took her to Jerusalem, and in the temple, she received And Mary did abide within the temple of the Lord; and Hillel, chief of the Sanhedrim, taught her all “The sleep of the body becomes the sobriety of the soul” are the profound words of Hermes Trismegistus

  • Connect | The Golden Rosycross

    Find out more about membership and how to join - click here To resign or change your membership status - click here More about membership... After logging in here , you can access online events, resources, conferences, services and meetings from

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay03

    for the pupil of the soul, who is creating the conditions that will enable transfiguration in him or her The classical alchemical text Tabula Smaragdina attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, clarifies how the whilst experiencing the image and the positive emotions that belong to it as vividly as possible in the here

  • The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross

    We’re here for you, and we wish you a good journey! We’re here for you, and we wish you a good journey!

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay08

    Now, Terah took his wife and sons and all his flocks and herds to Haran in the West; here Terah died. And Abram took the flocks and herds, and with his kindred journeyed farther west; And when he reached A famine swept the land and Abram took his kindred and his flocks and herds and came to Egypt, and in these fertile plains of Zoan pitched his tent, and here abode. And when his lessons all were learned, he took his kindred and his flocks and herds and journeyed back

  • Locations | The Golden Rosycross

    symbol on the map below to visit the website for your country for list of websites by country, click here

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasSPADay01

    Les nació una hermosa niña, y se alegraron, a quien dieron por nombre María. "El sueño del cuerpo se convierte en la lucidez del alma" son las profundas palabras de Hermes Trismegisto

  • Spiritual Christmas

    spiritual event but as the imperative of bringing this spiritual birth into a reality within us, in the here so many, but with the imperative of bringing this spiritual birth into a reality within us, in the here

  • Self Knowledge

    We’re here for you, and we wish you a good journey! Why am I here? What will happen to me after I die?

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