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309 items found for "auric being"

  • 2011-6eng

    Being agelessly young, independent of the body that nevertheless wholly fills it? follows: ‘So bottomless deep that the holy place seems to be where the whole of creation might come from, because

  • STA_MysteriesSoulEN

    < Back Mysteries of the Soul - English Mysteries of the Soul - a 9-part program for becoming a spirit-inspired indirectly the result of denying and ignoring this most essential aspect of ourself and our fellow human beings awakened in many people and is indeed growing and becoming more active. Do you know that you live on earth because you are given the possibility to become a spirit-inspired This is now more necessary than ever before.

  • 2016-2eng

    But a human being will search and search again.

  • The Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross Vol II

    brings into focus a deeper clarity on the mysteries that surround the manifestation of the ‘New Soul Being

  • 2015-6eng

    December 2015 Introduction Renewal is the key word, or it should be, for the spiritually striving human being And if he ever looks back at the results, it is to better attune his manner of working and not to go Inspiration is a spiritual inflow that becomes reality when it goes hand in hand with personal suitability The inspiration always comes as a gift from above and we have to work towards it from below upward.

  • Elementary Philosophy of the Modern Rosycross

    overwhelming amounts of information that can leave one feeling confused and even lost as to where to begin Questions such as: From an esoteric perspective, how should we understand the idea of the human being Have you in your spiritual seeking, become aware of the ‘Cosmic Duality’ that acknowledges the fundamental differences between men and women, yet also recognises the balance and harmony of the masculine and

  • 2015-2eng

    It is definitely easier to die for your beliefs than to live by them… Yet, it is far from common knowledge Once penetrated by this wisdom, or better said, being fused with it, having embraced that wisdom, the are then like breathing in and out; and you know that the pressure upon you is there to make you a better Your present circumstances, incredible yet true, form the best possibility for your next step, as long Download PDF Articles in this issue... 03 Symbols bear the Truth 06 Dying the Alchemical Way: dissolve

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay02

    He wonders how it is possible that the diversity of names and forms come forth from pure Being. small seed principle, they develop steadily and are able to grow much older and taller than a human being A tree is a living and breathing being, through which water and nutrients rise up from the soil, through Every living human being breathes, but that does not necessarily mean that every human being breathes The latter being the result of an active spirit-spark, and without performing exercises,.

  • The Egyptian Arch Gnosis 1

    The reader is made aware of the great potential of the true human being as a microcosm. that will lead to their liberation from the nature of transience, into the divine state of eternal ‘becoming

  • The Egyptian Arch Gnosis 3

    By continuing his analysis, he offers the reader a deeper insight into their own state of being, showing them how the words of Hermes contain the same universal truths that have always been freely offered

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