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197 items found for "Arch Gnosis Hermes"

  • Subscribe | The Golden Rosycross

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  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay04

    Iscariot said unto him, “Master, behold the unleavened bread, the mingled wine, and the oil and the herbs In the beginning, God gave to all the fruits of the trees and the seeds and the herbs for food, but those Much less understandable is how Jesus, who is considered the incarnation of universal love, rages here The Gospel of the Holy Twelve 71: 1-4 The behaviour that Jesus shows here is so at odds with everything The Gospel of the Holy Twelve 71: 5-7 The word ‘temple’ is used here in a very special way.

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasSPADay02

    Hermes Trismegistos afirma que, de todas las criaturas, sólo el hombre es doble, pues posee un cuerpo

  • 2008-6eng

    Taipei - a reflection of a reader of the pentagram 30 The great reconciliation 34 Christian Rosenkreuz-Heim

  • 2011-4eng

    It is like a painting with many colours and hues, with here and there spots of light, with beautiful

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasFREDay05

    Tout être humain en qui le germe de la Lumière dans le cœur se fait sentir comme "la grande nostalgie Une loi hermétique bien connue dit : ce qui est en haut est comme ce qui est en bas; tel est le grand

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasFREDay10

    Il se ferme ainsi complètement à la vie de l'âme, qui est alors reléguée à l'arrière-plan. "Le sommeil du corps est la lucidité de l'âme", lit-on dans un ancien texte hermétique.

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SpiritualEasterSpanishDay2

    Él destruirá el carro de Efraín y el caballo de guerra de Jerusalén; y el arco de batalla será quebrado

  • Unmasking our Reality

    We’re here for you, and we wish you a good journey!

  • The Human Being as a Microcosm

    We’re here for you, and we wish you a good journey!

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