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164 items found for "Christian Rosycross C.R.C."

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay05

    << Back Next > Spiritual Contemplation Spiritual Christmas - 05 - In this sign you will conquer Spiritual For nearly twenty centuries the Christian community has seen the birth of Jesus as a wonderful event This thinking about the Christmas narrative is certainly not wrong. Esoteric Christianity views Christ as a force, the most powerful force in the universe, a force which a mystery school, but above all it must be revealed within man himself: this is the true mission of Christianity

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay03

    Christianity refers to the three fires of mercy as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and in ancient Jesus is a saviour too, and according to most Christians he even is the only one. Within esoteric Christianity several saviours are acknowledged, but that does not alter the fact that the orthodox-Christian interpretation is correct as well.

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay06

    << Back Next > Spiritual Contemplation Spiritual Christmas - 06 - Your magic gifts Spiritual Christmas only is the story of the shepherds mentioned but also that of the Magi, to make it clear that inner Christianity In the teachings of inner Christianity, the characters in the Gospels are to be considered aspects of

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay09

    << Back Next > Spiritual Contemplation Spiritual Christmas - 09 - Looking back at the past Spiritual Christmas - English 30-12 Narrative 9 Chapters 11 et 12 of the Aquarian Gospel: The last lessons of Elihu The spirit, soul and personality of man correspond with the Trinity of Christianity: Father, Son and ancient times had yielded in the form of strength, wisdom and love, was gathered and renewed in original Christianity Over the centuries, however, even Christianity became subject to formalism and decay.

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay02

    gnostic tradition emerged within Judaism and later on influenced esoteric movements within Hermetism and Christianity Hence, not only a Jewish Kabbalah exists, but also a Hermetic Kabbalah and a Christian Kabbalah. tradition emphasizes the importance of getting through to the deeper meanings hidden in the Jewish Bible, Christians When eternity descends into time, as is remembered at Christmas, the new soul is born in man. From this perspective you could regard a decorated Christmas tree with lights as a symbol for the immortal

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay07

    ancient Egypt, the medicine wheel of the Indians and of course the Latin cross, which is connected to Christianity The Gospel of the Holy Twelve 69: 6 The phenomenon that we know as the crucifixion is not exclusively Christian And that is what makes it mysterious, that is the real mystery of Christianity: the narrative speaks

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay03

    In addition to these visions there is the gnostic Christian vision as expressed by Jesus in chapter 69 people who do not believe in Jesus because they grew up without religion or in a religion other than Christianity

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay02

    The Christian initiation mystery, which is the initiation system for the time period in which we live Such a pupil on the Gnostic Christian path is a follower of Christ and therefore goes the road from Bethlehem

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay08

    Reflection: Reflection 8, for Easter Sunday: The Liberation Of The Inner Being The seven stages of the Christian The Gospel of the Holy Twelve 84: 1-7 On Christmas night, the five-pointed star, the pentagram, radiates These are the persistent images that we have inherited from the externalised Christian culture or from

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SAMystSoulENGDay05

    come from nine different traditions, successively: Advaita Vedanta; Hermeticism; Kabbalah; Gnostic Christianity ; Raja Yoga; Judaism; Buddhism; Zoroastrianism; and Pauline Christianity.

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