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309 items found for "auric being"

  • The Heart as Spiritual Gateway

    In this third exploration, we will investigate how the task of the human being lies hidden inside this

  • 2018-2eng

    < Back Wisdom, Light of the Rose volume 40 nr 2 2018 - Two Introduction Before you lies an edition of Pentagram written as a tribute to the rose as a universal symbol of unselfish love which has been the the ages, eliciting their most beautiful songs. And why then her thorns that make it difficult to approach her beauty? equally interesting, and the cross of her stem also points to timely needs and to the great privilege of being

  • Dei Gloria Intacta

    As the consciousness of the candidate expands, an ever-greater perspective opens before the inner eye The reader is therefore taken on an inner journey of the soul; a journey that begins in the stone-hard reality of his present state of being, ending in the new Soul’s reunification with the Spirit.

  • Karma and Reincarnation

    Connect with Us Summary Exploration 4 Karma and Reincarnation How can we experience the eternal dance between Read More Download PDF Connect with Us Listen View Summary Full Text The Eternal Dance between Spirit and Matter During this exploration, we will create a new image of the human being and investigate its It is a life that does not stem from the earth; it does not belong to the earth; it cannot be explained

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SAMystSoulENGDay03

    There he resisted being seduced by the demonic essences, and when he had proved himself, he returned den Broek as: • the conviction that the essential core of the human being derives from a divine world In every human being the basic structure of the threefold soul is present within the human microcosm. They all need to be abandoned on the spiritual path so that an entirely new human being can evolve, a Just like Abraham, your inner being is called to remain faithful to God and to become and to be the right

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SAMystSoulENGDay01

    Soul Reflection 1 - Living from a sense of unity Spiritual text: Ashtavakra’s song 1:1-20 As a human being Every human being is invited to free himself from delusion, to sense this lasting peace and inner joy When we connect the concepts ‘consciousness’ and ‘soul’ with one another, then we mean being aware of As human beings we must not go back to the mythical consciousness of our remote ancestors; we can no 4. the soul as traveller; 5. the soul as fortress; 6. the soul as creator; 7. the soul as sevenfold being

  • The Inner Revolution

    The expression “new soul” has already been mentioned a few times. On the other hand, we must become the servant of the new soul, the higher being within. We call the latter process fulfillment, becoming whole, or becoming healed. This realization takes us beyond theoretical reflections. ~ In this process of becoming whole, what do we need, what do we have to do, and what do we have to leave behind?

  • STA_SymbolsSoulEN

    < Back Symbols of the Soul - English Symbols of the Soul - a 9-part program for becoming a spirit-inspired the Soul', you can follow the nine narratives and daily reflections at your own pace, using the links below you know that within you lies an element of the Divine Source, which offers you the possibility to become result of denying and ignoring the soul, as the most essential aspect of ourselves and our fellow human beings Therefore, such a Spiritually inspired Soul-consciousness is now more necessary than ever before.

  • 2017-2eng

    By receiving this love the others become somewhat indebted to him. In fact, according to Kierkegaard, through the giving of love one’s own debt becomes only greater, finally to become infinitely large. Who has love, is immeasurably rich and for that he is infinitely indebted to the cosmos, the All-Being Such a thought goes far beyond words.

  • 2018-3eng

    Thus, as depicted on our cover, they saw Heaven being born, there, in the distance, from the depths in which the darkness reigns, beyond the horizon - there the earth gives birth to its new dawn. Fear and night had passed, had been overcome, the new had been born. From these ever-renewed depths, all creatures that belong to the earth play their part every day, as

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