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309 items found for "auric being"

  • The Egyptian Arch Gnosis 2

    In this dialogue between Hermes, also known as ‘Thrice Greatest Hermes’, and Asclepius, the neophyte By approaching the idea of the ‘All Good’, Hermes (the Spirit Soul) lays before Asclepius (the seeker ), firstly, the duality of his state of being – on the one hand, his transient, mortal personality - From this, he places us before the spiritual imperative of ‘self-sacrifice’, as the key to sanctification

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay04

    The Paschal Supper being ended, the lights were kindled, for it was evening. These things being done, Jesus spoke these words, lifting his eyes to heaven. Thy Love shines on my right hand and on my left, so that no part of my being should be without light. These words being ended, they all lifted up their voices with him, and prayed as he taught them, saying Spiritual traditions such as mystery schools are there to enable a human being to keep the desire for

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay09

    of Mysteries and Symbols of the Soul In more and more deserts on earth electricity power plants are being That source is so great and special, that no human being can determine its value. You should give love without being conscious of it. Yet, we can make contact with the divine world, as human beings and experience the divine. Then you will discover that a pure white flower will begin to reveal itself in your being – the mystic

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SAMystSoulENGDay04

    I quitted the East and went down, there being two guardians, for the way was dangerous and difficult, They have conceived this heavenly being. The fourfold earthly personality has come into being during the descent through four realms. The personality as we now know it from our experience of ourselves and of our fellow human beings has the sevenfold personality-soul will develop: the spirit self, the spirit of life and the spiritual being

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SAMystSoulENGDay06

    The bible book of Genesis, which literally means ‘coming into being’, is the beginning of the Torah. Here the manifested spiritual world (Atziluth) comes into being as a result of the creative word. On this third day the creative word realises further differentiation: the water under the skies is being the world of the archetypes and the world of action within the human being. Then the livestock, the crawling animals and the wild animals come into being.

  • Transfiguration - The alchemical process

    At the foundation of our wonderful planet – of which we know only a very small part which has been severely The spirit is the bearer of the light. This makes possible the renewal of the True Human Being, the original Microcosm. Then the saying that is written will come true: ‘Death has been swallowed up in victory.’

  • Rosicrucians through the Ages

    of the Rosycross, has taken these spiritual laws as the foundation stones of a great liberating work being carried out on behalf of all humanity, and is openly offered to us as a calling, an inspiration, and If we respond positively to this calling, our ‘outer’ life becomes a reflection of our connection to the Light of the Spirit, and we become a ‘tool in the hands of God’. Europe Will Bear a Child. (Page 8) Read more...

  • Spiritual Academy Programs

    Symbols of the Soul - a 9-part program for becoming a spirit-inspired person If you would like to participate the Soul', you can follow the nine narratives and daily reflections at your own pace, using the links below View Program Read more Mysteries of the Soul - a 9-part program for becoming a spirit-inspired person Christmas – free online program: December 22 – January 6 The divine can be born and grow in the human being This time, at the end of one year and the beginning of a new year, offers us a unique opportunity to

  • 24th December 1980

    so active and prominent in the middle ages throughout the Occitania region of Southern Europe, was believed closer to the true nature of this ‘treasure’, and why it is considered the greatest of all treasures – beyond Many are those who have ‘hunted’ this treasure, believing it to be made of precious stones and metals It is a treasure bestowed upon the new soul reunited with the Spirit. It is an ‘immaterial treasure, the most sublime, most glorious treasure any reborn being can receive’

  • The Grail and the Rosycross

    the Chalice of Yamshid 'that reflects the Universe,' and the medieval Russian legend of Vsevolod, who became Grail King of the invisible city of Kitesj, all speak of the link between eternity and time as the Grail But the grail is not lost, or hidden, because it cannot be found outside of oneself, but only deep within the task of every pilgrim to find this grail, this chalice that holds eternal life, within his own being

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