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309 items found for "auric being"

  • Work in the service of Humanity

    a deep insight, driven by a genuine longing of the heart, if any form of self-sacrifice is to move beyond the simple culture of the ‘I-being’, and become the true spiritual sacrifice of Soul Renewal.

  • The Light Vesture of the New Man

    Only in this way can we become capable of assimilating the higher etheric vibrations emanating from the approach the subject of the light-vesture (the soul), from the perspective of its role as the mediator between or ‘light-vesture’ of the natural man, that is the basis of our personality and its expression and behaviour towards life, born through self-sacrifice and a true devotion to the spiritual goal, the natural soul can become authors also bring into focus the significance of the current cosmic radiative impulses of Aquarius being

  • STA_EasterEnglish

    narratives and eight reflections during the 8 days from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, using the links below Between 21 and 23 March, the day light is exactly in balance with the darkness of the night. But because the determination of the exact day of this festival is based on the lunar calendar of the Nevertheless, its spiritual meaning is closely linked to the symbolism of this balance between day and long as the Light of the true Soul has not yet dawned in us, we live as an outwardly focused human being

  • The Powerfield of the Spiritual School

    Spiritual School The path presented by the Spiritual School is not for perfect people, for superhuman beings What would you like to do with the information that has been offered to you?

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SAMystSoulENGDay02

    All that is immaterial is true being, and all true being is immaterial. like to the source of your being, draw nearer and nearer to him who created thee. Does it demonstrate soul quality to call a fellow human being who hunts for unsatisfied desires a ‘fool The soul human being is not passive; she is harmonious, because there is a good balance between activity As a human being we can only be conscious of differences, of contrast, and so we need polarities in order

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay03

    mystery of Calvary the power of Christ united itself with the earth, principally enabling every human being Desire is not something that only exists in animals and human beings. Hierarchy of needs Every human being has certain basic needs and it is important that they are met. balance, it is often the result of too strong or too weak functioning the activity of certain chakras being We, as human beings, naturally tend to shape our lives within the five need levels that have been formulated

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay06

    They returned and rested the next day, it being a high day, and on the day following they bought and This duality, this ‘awakeness’ of two beings inside a microcosm, is a special situation in which the to Golgotha, on which the inner being arises and enters the new life. But both continue to exist side by side, each being attracted to their own path! It does not withdraw and the Lamb surrenders voluntarily, thus being imprisoned in order to bring the

  • Mysteries of the Soul - English

    indirectly the result of denying and ignoring this most essential aspect of ourself and our fellow human beings During our recent era, the human personality has developed in such a way that the soul aspect has been awakened in many people and is indeed growing and becoming more active. Do you know that you live on earth because you are given the possibility to become a spirit-inspired This is now more necessary than ever before.

  • Explorations of Gnosis and Rosycross

    You can find and join our next weekly discussions online by visiting our events page via the button below Karma and Reincarnation The Eternal Dance between Spirit and Matter How can we experience the eternal dance between spirit and matter, karma and divine love, and harness the transformative power within? Ego, Personality and Soul Beyond psychology Join us for a profound exploration into the depths of the human being, the complexity of our identity, our subconscious, our ego and our soul.

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SAMystSoulENGDay09

    For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of the body, being many, are one body Instead of driving humanity towards a regenerative development through which the new man comes into being to make themselves, the population and the earth spiritual; to transform them to a higher state of being community builds and maintains a joint force field, in which spirit-soul development can come into being You will know in a fraction of a second to what extent a teaching, a human being or a group is pure.

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