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200 items found for "Cosmic Heart of Christ"

  • Glossary

    increasing force is becoming manifest with regard to everything which is disharmonious to the Great, Cosmic It is the old (micro-cosmic) heaven that has to pass away through a reversal of life, guided by the Gnosis Search Golden Rosycross Bethlehem indication for the condition of the heart of one who, in true yearning Such a person opens the heart for the entrance of the gnostic light and prepares the `stall', the maimed and defiled heart, for the birth of the inner Christ Being.

  • Called by the World Heart | The Golden Rosycross

    Called by the World Heart On The Origin And The Development Of The Spiritual School Of The Golden Rosycross

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay05

    The energy we call ‘Christ’ has been spread from the world heart, from the spiritual core of the earth This Christ Field spreads around the whole earth as a luminous atmosphere in which the inner man can That is why Jesus says in chapter 75 of The Gospel of the Holy Twelve : You call me the Christ of God The Gospel of the Holy Twelve 75: 11-12 The power of Christ, the force field of the Christ, is like a Equipped in this way he or she can then continue his way ‘in Christ’ to serve the world and humanity.

  • Spiritual Christmas | The Golden Rosycross

    to be understood as an external event, but as an inner spiritual journey that leads to the birth of Christ within the heart. calendar has been given a focus that emulates the events surrounding the birth of Christ. to be understood as an external event, but as an inner spiritual journey that leads to the birth of Christ within the heart, these reflections lift the mind, and therefore the soul, to contemplate the love and

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay07

    Man originates from the sixth cosmic plane and is called to return to the sixth cosmic plane after countless The blue background symbolises God the father and the golden five-pointed star (pentagram) stands for Christ The white rose stands for the purified heart centre and also for the purified throat centre with which Morimur, In Christ we die pssr: Per Spiritum Sanctum Reviviscimus, Through the holy spirit we are reborn plane into the sixth cosmic plane.

  • 2017-3eng

    Or in other words: The Christophorus - the name means: bearer of the Christ - in your being is still not awake enough to carry the Christ-child across the river Lethe, the river of forgetfulness! Download PDF Articles in this issue... 03 World images 04 The language of redemption of the heart: ‘The secret sermon on the mount’ 10 Fiat Lux- Let there be Light 20 The laboratory of the self 26 Focus your heart Nachiketa and the art of dying 40 Beyond the colours 42 Perception - a search 48 The meaning behind Christian

  • Video Presentations | The Golden Rosycross

    About Subscribing Read more Video Presentation Esoteric Christianity - Beyond Religion Esoteric Christianity Breaking free from the ego consciousness means the possibility for a new cosmic consciousness. between man, the cosmos and the microcosm: man, Cosmos, macrocosm Video Presentation Earthly Experience Cosmic Do you also recognise the need to connect and open up to this cosmic awareness, a perspective that transcends When man consciously becomes one with the Light who dwells in him, and Arjuna and Krishna, Adam and Christ

  • Called by the World Heart | The Golden Rosycross

    Audio Books of the Golden Rosycross Listen to our audio books on the Inner Path of Transformation shown by the Golden Rosycross Audio Books Title Authors Name Listen to our audio books on the Inner Path of Transformation shown by the Golden Rosycross Download Audio File Listen to audio book chapters Download chapter Load more

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay05

    Esoteric Christianity views Christ as a force, the most powerful force in the universe, a force which Christ is also called the ‘Planetary Spirit’ of the earth. Secondly, there is a cosmic force called ‘Christ’ which connected itself with the organic and atmospheric The Christ-force enables the human being to connect to the higher life on an individual basis, on the The Light of Christ has not only manifested itself in the earth field and in a full-grown living spiritual

  • The Great Revolution | The Golden Rosycross

    Everyone is being confronted by the effects of this fundamental cosmic change. The authors demonstrate that these changes are the result of cosmic influences bringing extraordinary

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