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197 items found for "Arch Gnosis Hermes"

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay01

    you, and there you will find tied up a donkey, one on which no one has sat; untie him and bring him here

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay01

    It is referred to with all kinds of terms, which are only symbolic, like: divine spark, primordial atom This Greek hero receives the seemingly impossible assignment to remove, in one day, the thick layers

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay05

    ) Theresa of Ávila The Spanish mystic Teresa of Ávila (1515-1582) probably was not only inspired by her personal mystical experiences, when writing her famous scripture ‘The interior castle’ or ‘The Mansion For her, the castle represents above all: repentance, introspection, contemplation and prayer. These are essential, according to her, and she is not unique in this respect. In this respect the term digital dementia is sometimes used.

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasFREDay03

    PDF Récit: Récit 3 de l'après-midi du 24 décembre: La naissance de Jésus Le terme de la naissance de Cette nostalgie élève le cœur à un niveau supérieur et le ferme à l'aridité et aux apparences de la vie

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay08

    the Apes’ , from 1912, by Edgar Rice Burroughs, and in its many film adaptations, the famous jungle hero If a researcher, for instance, stuck out her tongue to a baby monkey, certain neurons in her brain which above-mentioned extraordinary phenomena were already known by initiates in ancient India, who used the term Lynne McTaggart wrote in her book ‘The Field – The Quest for the Secret Force in the Universe’ , that The term narcissism is derived from his name, Narcissus.

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SAMystSoulENGDay07

    Thy servant here is ready for thy guidance.’ ‘Tis well, Śrâvaka. founder of the Theosophical Society, published an English translation of it in 1889, two years before her

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SPentecostENGDay07

    Who by the Spirit of Life, her twelve Books and Sacraments, her holy words and works knits together the Here ends the Holy Gospel of the Perfect Life of Jesu-Maria, the Christ, the son of David after the flesh natural bodily figure, just as every unborn child grows in his natural mother while being connected to her

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