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309 items found for "auric being"

  • The Universal Teachings

    journey through the Universal Teachings as they are taught in the School of the Golden Rosycross now lies behind we know that the two remaining explorations will not be sufficient to complete the picture we have been motivated by an inner longing to find the truth, we are fairly certain that many doors will already have been opened for you, and that you will have been ‘touched by freedom’. Our aim was to give you a better insight into our life field, how it works, and what its true purpose

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasFREDay13

    de la philosophie, de la poésie, de la science, et de l'art sont nés sur le sol de Grèce et ont été bercés jusqu'à maturité dans son berceau de pensée pure. Mais pour beaucoup, l’intérieur n’est encore qu’un monde d’émotions, de pensées et de motivations. Nous recherchons l’unité et la liaison, parce que c’est notre besoin intérieur qui nous anime.

  • 2007-3eng

    And it shall come to pass,’ said the old man, ‘that when enough of those silver feathers shall have been gathered by the hands of men, and shall have been woven into a cord, and the cord into a net, that in

  • The Seal of Renewal

    Petri systematically takes the reader toward the final ‘Seal of Renewal’ that is the crowning glory bestowed Touching upon differences such as that between Spirit and Holy Spirit, the reader is given a key to opening

  • The Universal Remedy

    process of the redemption of the soul to a good end Summary Jan van Rijckenborgh places the reader before He places us before the necessity for each one of us to make the far-reaching changes in our attitude

  • 2019-2eng

    < Back Inspiration - the abstract pivot volume 41 nr 2 2019 - Two Introduction It is hard to believe that it is like that outside, because it is like that inside. And that us 'inside' has become that way, because the 'out there' sometimes presents us with hard and It's hard to believe that outside is like that, because it's like that inside too is. Even harder to believe is that what below can be equal to that which is above - that is an open view.

  • La Gnose des Temps Présents 

    Du point de départ de l'aspiration du cœur, en passant par les besoins structurels de la construction

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasFREDay04

    Marie prit l'enfant Jésus et retourna à Bethléem. Quand ils arrivèrent à Bethléem, le jour était tombé, et il leur fallut s'arrêter pour la nuit. Mais Bethléem était pleine de gens allant à Jérusalem. Les auberges et les maisons étaient bondées. Or, il y avait sur les collines de Bethléem de nombreux troupeaux de moutons avec des bergers qui les Ces bergers étaient pieux.

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SpiritualEasterSpanishDay7

    Y sucedió que, sentándose a la mesa con ellos, tomó el pan y el fruto de la vid, dio gracias y lo bendijo interior, Jesús, se adhirió a esta viga, crucificándose así en el momento del nacimiento de Jesús en Belén

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SpiritualEasterSpanishDay2

    Él respondió y dijo: "Yo soy la resurrección y la vida, yo soy lo Bueno, lo Bello, lo Verdadero; si un “Al anochecer, salió a Betania con los doce, porque allí vivían Lázaro, María y Marta, a quienes amaba en el camino del cristianismo gnóstico es un seguidor de Cristo y, por lo tanto, va por el camino de Belén

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