97 items found for "Aquarius Radiations"
- Spiritual Academy Programs
Let yourself be touched by the profound stories of the “Gospel of Aquarius”.
- The Gnostic Path of Transfiguration | The Golden Rosycross
Spiritual Christmas Introductory Mini Course Introductory Mini Course Homepage Trending Topics Age of Aquarius
- Seven Voices Speak | The Golden Rosycross
Publisher Rozekruis Pers Published 1990 Publishers Code 4024 Catharose de Petri Seven voices - seven radiations wealth of guidance that may lead them to a deeper understanding of the sublime activity of the Sevenfold Radiation Summary Catharose de Petri takes the reader into a deeper understanding of the activity of the sevenfold radiation Catharose de Petri discusses the inner signature of these spiritual radiations in the growing New Soul
- Books
The Great Revolution Catharose de Petri and Jan van Rijckenborgh The dawning of the Age of Aquarius has
- 2014-4eng
The equilibrium concerns the balance between an adult individual and a radiating ensoulment. The focus bundles Light originating from a new atmosphere of life which is peace - peace that radiates
- The Universal Gnosis | The Golden Rosycross
through those special ‘envoys’ sent to give guidance to all humanity, but through the spiritual Light-radiation This light initially acts as a ‘calling’ radiation to all those who are sensitive to it and seek that
- Seven Voices Speak | The Golden Rosycross
Transformation shown by the Golden Rosycross Seven Voices Speak Catharose de Petri Seven voices, seven radiations right way, will be led to an ever-deepening understanding of the sublime activity of the Sevenfold Radiation
- Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay13
Attention for your inner development Spiritual Christmas - English 03-01 Narrative 13 Chapter 44 of the Aquarian It is the plan for the new phase of humanity, the Aquarius-phase, the phase in which the higher soul It is up to you to accept His lessons and become an Aquarius-man. In chapter 40 of the Aquarian Gospel Jesus tells us where the source of wisdom is to be found. Human beings always carry this place of silence with them, as is stated in The Aquarian Gospel.
- Les Signes puissantes du Conseil de Dieu | The Golden Rosycross
et notre système solaire font continuellement l'expérience de nouvelles activités et influences de radiations Notre terre et notre système solaire entrent actuellement dans de nouvelles activités et influences de radiations Alors que les radiations des trois planètes des mystères travaillent en harmonie avec l'impulsion de
- 2005-1eng
Volume 27 nr 1 January/February 2005 Introduction Every human being is dependent on the radiations and