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309 items found for "auric being"

  • 2016-3eng

    volume 38 nr 3 2016 - Three Introduction A child that forgets himself at play and greets the sea on the beach In thousands we flock to the beaches and saturated with this energy we return home at the end of the a human being. human being, his path through life and his health on the other. Download PDF Articles in this issue... 04 The true human being - Catharose de Petri 08 ‘I do not know

  • What is transfiguration?

    the path of self-liberation, leading to the transmutation and transfiguration of the complete human being Only in self-sacrifice; only in humility and service, can the rebirth from ‘water and spirit’ become a path of self-liberation that leads to the transmutation and eventual transfiguration of the whole being rebirth, this reuniting with the Spirit, is predicated on a life devoted to the service of others, being Only in self-sacrifice; only in humility and service, can the rebirth from ‘water and spirit’ become

  • 2013-5eng

    rebirth and initiation volume 35 nr 5 September/October 2013 Introduction After this I left that domain behind To ascend to this field, the radiance of the third light vesture must have become forty-nine times more The natural, the weak and insignificant, become strong and majestic because a gnostic power that surpasses rebirth and initiation 05 The Sun 06 I Pearls from the Hermetica 06 About the Spirit-Soul and the human being 09 II God, Cosmos, Human being 11 III The human being is a mortal God 13 IV Inspiration from the spirit-soul

  • The Seven Rays

    It explores each of the spaces of the human heart of the human being, seeking to understand each of the The book explores the connection between the human archetype and the creative powers of the universe. It describes how the Absolute Being manifests through the union of Spirit and Matter, resulting in self-aware Human beings have three centers of consciousness: heart, head, and life, each mirroring the divine archetype The transformation process involves aligning these centers with the Absolute Being, leading to the birth

  • 2009-5eng

    We read in the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount: ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the opens the gate to God’s mysteries, will hear the address about rebirth, resounding from what is hidden, because Rijckenborgh 12 The possibility of happiness 18 The fourth dimension 22 The black hole of the human being is his ego 25 The human being need not be his ego 28 The courage to know 32 Religion is a path of insight

  • The Chinese Gnosis

    written in the Chinese ideograph medium, which uses graphic symbols rather than words, many attempts have been Measuring our current state of being against that which Lao Tzu calls ‘the Only Good’, the reader is there is non good, not one’, but also, through these same words of Lao Tzu, is shown the wonder and beauty that awaits all those who begin to understand. Being and Not Being Read more... Tao, the Great Power at the Heart of All Things Read more...

  • Self Knowledge

    life are based on a delusion, a fundamental misconcep­tion, the mistaken idea that the earthly human being is the true human being, and that perfection can be found in this world or in the hereafter. people strive for originate from the primordial atom, the last remnant of the original life in the human being

  • The Light of the World

    Summary In this book, the author, Jan van Rijckenborgh, places us before the words spoken by Jesus in These words were aimed at the seeker; at those who have become conscious of their unceasing search and But on this path, the candidate is confronted with their own inner state of being, and the author has from an outside authority, but as tasks that must be accomplished within the deepest aspects of our being , these ‘lessons’ must be lived as a reflection of our own state of being.

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SPentecostENGDay03

    Here ‘perfection’ refers to the subtle resurrection body of the new immortal human being, which has been This new human being is part of eternity, of the divine dimension beyond space and time, and in that This being may rightly be called ‘Man’ because he or she is part of the tenth hierarchy, and thus forms It is being taken up into the reality of that new life and being linked to its uplifting power. the immortal, divine human being, the true Spirit-Man.

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SPentecostENGDay07

    PDF Reflection: Reflection 7, for Saturday before Pentecost: Being Lifted into Another Realm Listen.. Reflection: Reflection 7, for Saturday before Pentecost: Being Lifted into Another Realm Every human being on earth possesses a tree of life. Now he can truly accept the task of being of service to the world and humanity on behalf of the light These things have I spoken to you, being yet present with you.

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