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164 items found for "Christian Rosycross C.R.C."

  • Eventos Español | The Golden Rosycross

    Sat, Sep 07 por Zoom Sanación y Purificación del Alma | Español Sep 07, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT por Zoom Hay una luz que brilla más allá de todas las cosas en la tierra, más allá de todos nosotros, más allá de los cielos más altos. Esta es la luz que brilla en tu corazón. (Upanishads) Detalles & Registro Sat, Sep 14 por Zoom Ley del Karma, Ley del Amor | Español Sep 14, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT por Zoom ¿Cómo podemos experimentar la eterna danza entre el espíritu y la materia, el karma y el amor divino, y aprovechar el poder transformador interior? Detalles & Registro Sat, Sep 21 por Zoom La Paz interior de Lao Tse | Español Sep 21, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT por Zoom La sabiduría de Lao Tse es tan relevante ahora como lo fue en su tiempo. Es viva y atemporal porque se origina y está conectada con la única fuente de la vida. Únase a nosotros para discutir cómo podemos reconectarnos con la Única Fuente de la verdadera Vida. Detalles & Registro

  • All Events | The Golden Rosycross

    Online Events Local Events Events in English Eventos en Español Événements en Français Upcoming online events... Sanación y Purificación del Alma | Español Sat, Sep 07 por Zoom Sep 07, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT por Zoom Sep 07, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT por Zoom Hay una luz que brilla más allá de todas las cosas en la tierra, más allá de todos nosotros, más allá de los cielos más altos. Esta es la luz que brilla en tu corazón. (Upanishads) Details and Register Soul Healing & Purification | Americas-Europe-Africa Sun, Sep 08 Free Online Event Sep 08, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT Free Online Event Sep 08, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT Free Online Event Your local time: "There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond all of us, beyond the highest heavens. This is the light that shines in your heart." (Upanishad) +19 more Details and Register Ley del Karma, Ley del Amor | Español Sat, Sep 14 por Zoom Sep 14, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT por Zoom Sep 14, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT por Zoom ¿Cómo podemos experimentar la eterna danza entre el espíritu y la materia, el karma y el amor divino, y aprovechar el poder transformador interior? Details and Register Law of Karma, law of Love - Gnostic contemplation | Americas-Europe-Africa Sun, Sep 15 Free Online Event Sep 15, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT Free Online Event Sep 15, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT Free Online Event Your local time: How can we experience the eternal dance between spirit and matter, karma and divine love, and harness the transformative power within? +6 more Details and Register La Paz interior de Lao Tse | Español Sat, Sep 21 por Zoom Sep 21, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT por Zoom Sep 21, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT por Zoom La sabiduría de Lao Tse es tan relevante ahora como lo fue en su tiempo. Es viva y atemporal porque se origina y está conectada con la única fuente de la vida. Únase a nosotros para discutir cómo podemos reconectarnos con la Única Fuente de la verdadera Vida. Details and Register The Inner Peace of Lao Tzu - The Gnosis of Tao | Asia-Pacific Sun, Sep 22 Free Online Event Sep 22, 2024, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM GMT+10 Free Online Event Sep 22, 2024, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM GMT+10 Free Online Event Your local time: The wisdom of Lao Tzu is every bit as relevant now as it was in his time. It is alive and timeless because it originates and is connected with the one source of life. Join us to discuss how we may reconnect with the One Source of true Life. Details and Register The Inner Peace of Lao Tzu - The Gnosis of Tao | Americas-Europe-Africa Sun, Sep 22 Free Online Event Sep 22, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT Free Online Event Sep 22, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT Free Online Event Your local time: The wisdom of Lao Tzu is every bit as relevant now as it was in his time. It is alive and timeless because it originates and is connected with the one source of life. Join us to discuss how we may reconnect with the One Source of true Life. +5 more Details and Register Upcoming Events - To Be Announced Watch for our announcements Online on Zoom Watch for our announcements Online on Zoom Watch for our announcements Online on Zoom Please watch out for our upcoming events announcements for our events program. See details... Learn more Upcoming local events... No events at the moment Upcoming events in English... Soul Healing & Purification | Americas-Europe-Africa Sun, Sep 08 Free Online Event Sep 08, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT Free Online Event Sep 08, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT Free Online Event Your local time: "There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond all of us, beyond the highest heavens. This is the light that shines in your heart." (Upanishad) +19 more Details & Register.. Law of Karma, law of Love - Gnostic contemplation | Americas-Europe-Africa Sun, Sep 15 Free Online Event Sep 15, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT Free Online Event Sep 15, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT Free Online Event Your local time: How can we experience the eternal dance between spirit and matter, karma and divine love, and harness the transformative power within? +6 more Details & Register.. The Inner Peace of Lao Tzu - The Gnosis of Tao | Asia-Pacific Sun, Sep 22 Free Online Event Sep 22, 2024, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM GMT+10 Free Online Event Sep 22, 2024, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM GMT+10 Free Online Event Your local time: The wisdom of Lao Tzu is every bit as relevant now as it was in his time. It is alive and timeless because it originates and is connected with the one source of life. Join us to discuss how we may reconnect with the One Source of true Life. Details & Register.. The Inner Peace of Lao Tzu - The Gnosis of Tao | Americas-Europe-Africa Sun, Sep 22 Free Online Event Sep 22, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT Free Online Event Sep 22, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT Free Online Event Your local time: The wisdom of Lao Tzu is every bit as relevant now as it was in his time. It is alive and timeless because it originates and is connected with the one source of life. Join us to discuss how we may reconnect with the One Source of true Life. +5 more Details & Register.. Upcoming Events - To Be Announced Watch for our announcements Online on Zoom Watch for our announcements Online on Zoom Watch for our announcements Online on Zoom Please watch out for our upcoming events announcements for our events program. See details... Learn more Próximos Eventos en Español... Sat, Sep 07 por Zoom Sanación y Purificación del Alma | Español Sep 07, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT por Zoom Hay una luz que brilla más allá de todas las cosas en la tierra, más allá de todos nosotros, más allá de los cielos más altos. Esta es la luz que brilla en tu corazón. (Upanishads) Detalles & registro Sat, Sep 14 por Zoom Ley del Karma, Ley del Amor | Español Sep 14, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT por Zoom ¿Cómo podemos experimentar la eterna danza entre el espíritu y la materia, el karma y el amor divino, y aprovechar el poder transformador interior? Detalles & registro Sat, Sep 21 por Zoom La Paz interior de Lao Tse | Español Sep 21, 2024, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM EDT por Zoom La sabiduría de Lao Tse es tan relevante ahora como lo fue en su tiempo. Es viva y atemporal porque se origina y está conectada con la única fuente de la vida. Únase a nosotros para discutir cómo podemos reconectarnos con la Única Fuente de la verdadera Vida. Detalles & registro Événements à venir en Français... No events at the moment Watch for our announcements Online on Zoom Upcoming Events - To Be Announced Watch for our announcements Online on Zoom Please watch out for our upcoming events announcements for our events program. See details... Learn more

  • Les deux ordres de nature (2)

    more Listen Download PDF Connect with Us View Summary Read Full Text The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross An Introduction in 12 Explorations The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross An Introduction in 12 Explorations We welcome you to our Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross , an opportunity to explore and discuss the universal teachings shared by the School of the Golden Rosycross, and the path its pupils

  • Le processus alchimique

    more Listen Download PDF Connect with Us View Summary Read Full Text The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross An Introduction in 12 Explorations The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross An Introduction in 12 Explorations We welcome you to our Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross , an opportunity to explore and discuss the universal teachings shared by the School of the Golden Rosycross, and the path its pupils

  • Quelques lignes directrices pratiques

    more Listen Download PDF Connect with Us View Summary Read Full Text The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross An Introduction in 12 Explorations The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross An Introduction in 12 Explorations We welcome you to our Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross , an opportunity to explore and discuss the universal teachings shared by the School of the Golden Rosycross, and the path its pupils

  • Le microcosme et la personnalité

    more Listen Download PDF Connect with Us View Summary Read Full Text The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross An Introduction in 12 Explorations The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross An Introduction in 12 Explorations We welcome you to our Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross , an opportunity to explore and discuss the universal teachings shared by the School of the Golden Rosycross, and the path its pupils

  • Le Champ de force de l'École Spirituelle

    more Listen Download PDF Connect with Us View Summary Read Full Text The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross An Introduction in 12 Explorations The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross An Introduction in 12 Explorations We welcome you to our Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross , an opportunity to explore and discuss the universal teachings shared by the School of the Golden Rosycross, and the path its pupils

  • La connaissance de soi

    more Listen Download PDF Connect with Us View Summary Read Full Text The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross An Introduction in 12 Explorations The Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross An Introduction in 12 Explorations We welcome you to our Introduction to the Gnostic Path of the Golden Rosycross , an opportunity to explore and discuss the universal teachings shared by the School of the Golden Rosycross, and the path its pupils

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