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309 items found for "auric being"

  • 2013-2eng

    society in the true sense of the word, if there is not simultaneously a sustained activity in our own being , which is the result of a great inner change, namely knowing that, if we can serve others, we also best It begins by finding the source and unlocking the hidden rose garden - the eternal, exalted principle On this basis, service becomes natural, rather like the earth serves us by giving everything. , to which every autumn leaf testifies, but also every smile that a fellow human being grants you and

  • 2011-5eng

    nature of our consciousness volume 33 nr 5 September/October 2011 Introduction Is inventing yourself, being ‘The greatest of all lessons is knowing yourself, because if a person knows himself, he knows God.’ - The rose in the desert 10 Mary Magdalene and the Light 13 Mary Magdalene, the World Soul in the human being

  • 2009-6eng

    We begin with a testimony from the past: a portrait of Paracelsus and his radical methods. In this way, they bring the age-old promise of purpose and goal of the human being, namely to be the bearer of the spirit-soul, nearer, down to the structure of his organs. And finally, there is a wave of human compassion, a view from the heart to every fellow human being who , hidden or visibly, bears the image of the immortal one with him and around him.

  • 1981-4eng

    Soul Consciousness Download PDF Articles in this issue... 03 Heaven and Hell (II) 09 The Reality of Being

  • 2013-1eng

    The magazine, as does this issue, seeks what is original, unsullied and pure in the human being - and Around us, we see how much has been damaged by the largest threat to life: indifference. order to help alleviate the great suffering of this time with this same pure energy, with deeds of benevolence , compassion, support and the rest that may emanate from the inner being, the rest of the Buddha, the

  • 2013-6eng

    shift the actual protest to a different level: the inner life-state of every individual thinking human being Yes, there is a crisis - because we as people have lost the right balance, the balance between within and without, above and below, me and you; between greater humanity which is one together and the innumerable You belong to an exalted plan, a truly spiritual humanity. Learn to know yourself as human being, as person, as minutus mundus - miniature cosmos - who is nothing

  • 2015-5eng

    < Back The Seven Schools volume 37 nr 5 September/October 2015 Introduction It has always been stated that the true esoteric tradition, in the sense of the liberation of the soul figure in the human being It is a way that both begins and ends with ‘not-knowing’. Which begins with humility and ends with even greater humility. Going the way we learn that we, as human beings are at the same time unique and similar.

  • 2012-6eng

    enter the world, we enter unknown territory, although over time, we acquire the necessary skills and become The same is true with regard to our inner being. It must first be born, before we can examine the properties of the inner world, the new field of consciousness of the human being, and become familiar with them.

  • 2012-5eng

    Does not a human being possess a virtually supernatural power, with which to raise society and the world to a better level of life, to a higher plane? Is it possible that the human being as a small world, as a microcosm, becomes creative again, and becomes miracle of letting go 37 The four elements: air 38 Attuning to eternity 41 Book review: The end is my beginning

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay01

    The subject of the ‘inner man’ confronts us immediately with our duality; a state of being which can A human being setting out to cross the threshold to celebrate his inner Passover, is becoming increasingly new being. It has been called into being for a specific purpose which is: to be fertile soil in which the resurrection-body Immediately after the baptism by water every pupil of the soul is being placed before the obstructive

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