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309 items found for "auric being"

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay13

    And you, as a material human being, are the only one who is able to make this invisible plan visible And when we truly wish to realize this wisdom and love within our own being, that will demand all our The basis is being formed by the surging remembrance of an original life of all-encompassing love and Human beings always carry this place of silence with them, as is stated in The Aquarian Gospel. How can a human being find the way to the silence? Through a completely new mode of life.

  • Symbols of the Soul - English

    you know that within you lies an element of the Divine Source, which offers you the possibility to become result of denying and ignoring the soul, as the most essential aspect of ourselves and our fellow human beings Therefore, such a Spiritually inspired Soul-consciousness is now more necessary than ever before. Mysteries and Symbols of the Soul View Episode >> Symbols of the Soul - 07 - The Soul as a Sevenfold being Part 7: THE SOUL AS A SEVENFOLD BEING Chapter 16 of Mysteries and Symbols of the Soul View Episode >

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SPentecostENGDay05

    They will let the light that they have received, shine in the world for their fellow human beings who The Gospel of the Holy Twelve 53:1-2 Actually, every mortal human being in whom the inner Jesus is not It is in fact the existential state of the physical human being. Everything that captures the attention of a human being brings about a detectable change, for example An entirely new stream of thoughts and insights rises up within a human being on the spiritual path.

  • Ego, Personality and Soul

    Exploration 5 Ego, Personality and Soul Join us for a profound exploration into the depths of the human being Read More Download PDF Connect with Us Listen View Summary Full Text Beyond psychology When in ancient , it referred to a heart that was prepared for a life-force, a possibility of life that can rightly bear It is of a higher order; it belongs to the new true life. It is Spirit, it is God. van Rijckenborgh, The Egyptian Arch-Gnosis, Part I, pages 43–44) The heart of the nature-born human being

  • The Coming New Man

    Rijckenborgh There is a growing awareness that humankind faces a change - the necessity of which is becoming The Coming New Man, Jan van Rijckenborgh describes the fundamental change necessary in every human being deeper insight from an esoteric point of view, the author describes unequivocally the current state of being

  • 2015-4eng

    Following this sevenfold development invariably leads to inclusion in the chain formed by the bearers of the Path, those that have mapped it out and have thus become its guardians. They experience an understanding of an Eternal Being, in their own interior and around them. The heart, being also sevenfold, is always challenged to pass a new border.

  • 2005-2eng

    2005 Introduction Aquarius is the spirit that makes everything transparent, that explains to the human being The sign of Aquarius and its astrosophical meaning 09 The Seekers 10 When does the Age of Aquarius begin

  • 2006-4eng

    is obviously indivisible under any circumstance, even if it lies shattered and hidden in the inner being

  • 2005-1eng

    Volume 27 nr 1 January/February 2005 Introduction Every human being is dependent on the radiations and

  • 2006-6eng

    Volume 28 nr 6 November/December 2006 Introduction What should a human being’s point of departure be,

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