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164 items found for "Christian Rosycross C.R.C."

  • 1982-2eng

    Without Understanding Download PDF Articles in this issue... 02 The Cornerstone Freemasonry of the Rosycross

  • The Gnostic Path of Transfiguration | The Golden Rosycross

    Lao Tsu "To return to the root is repose. Going back to one’s destiny is to find the eternal law. To know the eternal law is enlightenment." Tao Te Ching 16 "Look at Tao, and you do not see it; it is called colourless. Listen to Tao, and you do not hear it; it is called soundless. Reach for Tao and you do not touch it; is called the immaterial."

  • 1977-2eng

    32 The Modern Rosycross and Yoga Previous Next

  • 1982-3eng

    the Philosopher's Stone Download PDF Articles in this issue... 02 The Cornerstone Freemasonry of the Rosycross

  • Called by the World Heart

    Called by the World Heart On The Origin And The Development Of The Spiritual School Of The Golden Rosycross This book takes the reader through the development of the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross, and Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri, the founders and Grandmasters of the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross

  • 2014-1eng

    of art, science and religion volume 36 nr 1 January/February 2014 Introduction In the context of the Rosycross their understanding of the connection of art, science and religion, as they are understood within the Rosycross

  • A New Call

    A New Call of the Septuple World-Brotherhood of the Golden Rosycross Download PDF Details: Pages 23 ISBN van Rijckenborgh In 1614 the Rosicrucians published their call, or Fama, outlining the teachings of Christian

  • 2005-2eng

    on the trail of the brotherhood 24 The Gottorf globe 30 Of the great awakening 34 400 years of the Rosycross

  • What is transfiguration?

    1979 Publishers Code 4077 Jan van Rijckenborgh A brief overview of the message and work of the Golden Rosycross In this concise booklet, the reader is given a brief overview of the Spiritual School of the Golden Rosycross

  • 2005-5eng

    27 nr 5 September/October 2005 Introduction In the philosophy of the Spiritual School of the modern Rosycross

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