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309 items found for "auric being"

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SPentecostENGDay06

    being is not yet complete by far. In us mortal beings, these abilities function only in an obscured and weakened way. So far the soul figure, the resurrection body, is the highest attainable state for human beings. Each human being carries his own priest in his heart. The phrase ‘sitting at the feet of…’ is a universal term for ‘being taught.’

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SASymbSoulENGDay08

    Man, by nature, tends to imitate his fellow human beings. human being or animal, they are therefore called mirror neurons. Every human being is unique and has a personal past. come home, without being able to know this through their senses. determine our state of being and our behaviour.

  • 2007-2eng

    < Back Man between Spirit and Nature Volume 29 nr 2 March/April 2007 Introduction As living substance Download PDF Articles in this issue... 01 The waters of non-being 10 The boy with the scar 13 Chidr,

  • Time and Eternity

    immortality, the spirit-spark, also indicated as the Rose of the heart, and there is the mortal human being Whoever reaches insight concerning the nature of his nature-born being is enabled Read More Read Full

  • 2012-3eng

    issue attempts to shed some light on the many aspects that characterise the way of life of the human being as a seeker for truth, beauty and Light. He has been represented here as the conquering hero on his horse, found in a tomb in Paestum, Italy, ‘If the charioteer beholds the love-inspiring countenance of the truth, and his whole soul becomes warm the light: from dark lead to luminous gold 38 Change as impulse: climate change in the inner human being

  • The Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross Vol I

    this allegorical story Christian Rosenkreutz makes this royal wedding accessible to his fellow human beings In this first volume, Jan van Rijckenborgh explores the esoteric meanings behind the first three days of the ‘Alchemical Wedding’, being the candidate’s invitation and preparation, their worthiness and

  • Unmasking our Reality

    00:00 / 18:28 Download PDF Connect with Us Summary Exploration 1 - Unmasking our Reality Every human being So all human beings have one thing in common: desire.

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay09

    No human being in whom the new soul is born can be indifferent to the suffering of this world. The union of the soul with all living beings, causes the soul to suffer with them. But for the outer human being on the path the situation is different. And yet it is the outward human being who must learn to accept the leadership of the soul and become Inner covenant A new inner covenant has been made between the higher and the lower human being, now following

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay07

    to glow in a human being, then there is great joy. However, for those human beings who have been touched in such a special way, the joy is still incidental A human being must overcome quite a few resistances on the way to adulthood. There are forces that prevent human beings from going the Gnostic spiritual path. Why? When it concerns the individual human being we call this force: ego-centricity.

  • 2007-1eng

    Volume 29 nr 1 January/February 2007 Introduction There is a huge and unbridgeable difference between Wittgenstein and religion 11 Krishnamurti, philosopher of the spirit 17 Seeking God is surpassing the human being

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