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78 items found for "Christ Hierarchy"

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay16

    For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. The transcendental birth of Christ refers to the crowning completion of the inner task. thought; and Christ is God, the God of Love. Through Christ, they are preserved and if they fall it is the Christ who lifts them up; Now Christ, the Thus Christ made manifest Love’s power to save; but, men forgot so soon, and so Christ must manifest

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasFREDay16

    La naissance transcendantale du Christ est donc au moins aussi importante que la naissance physique de La naissance transcendantale du Christ fait référence au couronnement suprême de la tâche intérieure. Après le baptême dans le Jourdain, Jésus, qui était désormais le Christ, s'est d'abord retiré pendant omniscient, le Dieu de la pensée ; et le Christ est Dieu, le Dieu de l'Amour. C'est par le Christ qu'elles sont préservées et si elles tombent, c'est le Christ qui les relève ; Or

  • Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay03

    As in Adam all die, so in the Christ shall all be made alive.” In the majority of humanity the immortal Christ principle is not yet active or only in a very limited And based on that ‘faith in Christ’ he, the inner Christ, will not die but will live eternally. This is expressed in the statement, “Just as in Adam all die, so in the Christ shall all be made alive Therefore it is said: “As in Adam all die, so in the Christ shall all be made alive.”

  • 2017-3eng

    Or in other words: The Christophorus - the name means: bearer of the Christ - in your being is still not awake enough to carry the Christ-child across the river Lethe, the river of forgetfulness!

  • Glossary

    Also, the hierarchic group which rules time and space, also called 'the dialectical hierarchy’ or ‘the The hierarchic group of rulers of time and space, as the supreme metaphysic power-formation which came In their collectivity, sometimes they are also designated as the dialectical hierarchy, or ‘the prince the gnostic light and prepares the `stall', the maimed and defiled heart, for the birth of the inner Christ

  • Spiritual Christmas | The Golden Rosycross

    to be understood as an external event, but as an inner spiritual journey that leads to the birth of Christ of the Christmas calendar has been given a focus that emulates the events surrounding the birth of Christ to be understood as an external event, but as an inner spiritual journey that leads to the birth of Christ

  • 1981-1eng

    Wisdom of Lao Tze (XXI) 15 Freedom and Responsibility 20 The Importance of the Foci 23 The True Love in Christ

  • 2009-2eng

    You saw Christ, you became Christ. You saw the Father, you shall become Father.

  • The Universal Path | The Golden Rosycross

    Publishers Code 4002 Catharose de Petri and Jan van Rijckenborgh Those who wish to approach the mystery of Christ If you truly want to find the mystery of Christ, it is necessary to have at your disposal great freedom

  • The Mystery of the Beatitudes | The Golden Rosycross

    However, Jan van Rijckenborgh’s explanations of this special sermon given by Christ 2000 years ago make Considered the pillars of the spiritual life expressed by Jesus Christ, Jan van Rijckenborgh takes the

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