27 items found for "demon"
- The Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana | The Golden Rosycross
The First Hour: In Unity the demons praised God, losing their wickedness and wrath Read more...
- Spiritual Academy Program - SPentecostENGDay02
by night and confessed her sins and he put forth his hand and healed her and cast out of her seven demons Gospel of the Holy Twelve 10: 2 Galilee means ‘turning, reversing’ and the healing from ‘the seven demons The seven demons or devils therefore symbolise the naturally opposing forces in the sevenfold human bodily
- Spiritual Academy Program - SAMystSoulENGDay03
There he resisted being seduced by the demonic essences, and when he had proved himself, he returned These are temptations from demonic spirits. There he resisted being seduced by the demonic essences, and when he had proved himself, he returned
- Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay08
There are three areas of human endeavour that demonstrate this most clearly: science, art and religion Two egos The self-created gods and demons who have neither ears to hear, nor eyes to see, neither a compassionate If we can pursue such a pure attitude of life, these demons will disappear through the power of love.
- Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasENGDay07
salvation from an evil that they deem a living monster of the nether world; and they have gods that are but demons If man would find his saviour he must look within; and when the demon self has been dethroned, the saviour
- Spiritual Academy Program - SAMystSoulENGDay04
with his own right hand, to keep it from the wicked ones, the children of Babel, and from the savage demons
- Spiritual Academy Program - SChristmasSPADay07
de un mal que considera un monstruo viviente del mundo inferior, y tiene dioses que no son más que demonios Si el hombre quiere encontrar a su demonio, debe buscar en su interior; su nombre es "yo". Si el hombre quiere encontrar a su salvador debe mirar dentro; y cuando el demonio del yo haya sido destronado
- Spiritual Academy Program - SEasterENGDay06
In this way the soul oil is extracted from the personality to the very last drop; the inner man demonstrates
- Gnosis | The Golden Rosycross
The latter part of the book then reveals the birth of the modern spiritual consciousness, demonstrating
- The Coming New Man | The Golden Rosycross
Often using the symbolic language of the Bible to demonstrate the universality and relevance of its spiritual